Quiz: Where can you go for support?

There are many different types of support available for young people to use, and the choices can be overwhelming. By taking this quiz, students can figure out what kind of support might suit them should they need it.

Year Level



5 minutes


  • In class activity

SEL Competencies

  • Self-management

Learning Intention

Students learn about the different types of support available to young people, and identify which supports might work best for them.

Key Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • identify and discuss the different kinds of support available to young people
  • identify which supports might work best for them.
activity 01

Instructions 5 min

  1. Ask students to access the ReachOut quiz Where can you go for support? and complete it independently. Remind them that the quiz is anonymous, and that there are support options available if they’re having negative thoughts or feelings and need immediate help.
  2. After completing the quiz, invite students to discuss the following questions with a partner:
    • How valuable do you think this tool is in helping young people to figure out what kind of support might suit them?
    • What are three sources of support you might access if you needed help?
    • What are some other forms of support you might use?

Debrief: There are many support options out there for young people to use. Sometimes the choices can be overwhelming, but narrowing the options down can be a helpful way of figuring out what works best for each young person and their specific needs.