Respect - what does it mean to me?

Developing positive and respectful relationships within your school community is a fundamental part of bullying prevention education. This lesson will discuss how to establish and maintain respectful relationships as a way to prevent bullying.

Year Level



60 minutes


  • In class activity

SEL Competencies

  • Social awareness
  • Relationship skills

Learning Intention

Students will be able to understand the concept of respect and learn how to establish and maintain respectful relationships.

Key Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • explain what respect means within a relationship
  • understand how respect can differ across cultures
  • discuss what essential ingredients make up a respectful relationship.


Class discussion: Respect 15 min

  1. As a class group, students discuss what respect means to students in their own family and culture. Invite students to discuss the differences between cultures and families and suggest reasons for these differences.
  2. Topics to guide discussions:
    • How is respect demonstrated?
    • Can respect be demanded, or must it be earned? Why?
    • Is this the same in all situations? With all people?
    • What happens when people abuse the respect they are given?