Using ReachOut Parents in schools
Positive parental engagement has been proven to benefit student wellbeing. The ReachOut Parents package for schools will help your school utilise ReachOut Parents to achieve these beneficial outcomes.
The importance of positive parental engagement
Student learning extends beyond the classroom, as students continue to learn at home and in the community. As a result parents and carers are an integral part of the school community. In fact, The Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth has identified that positive parental engagement can result in improved academic achievement, wellbeing and productivity for students.
What is ReachOut Parents?
The period from 12–18 years is a period of rapid developmental and social change that provides an important opportunity to have a positive impact in the lives of young people. Young people may turn to their parents and carers for help during for anything from everyday issues to tough times. However parents and carers across Australia have told us they don’t always feel that they have the answers or resources to support their child.
ReachOut Parents provides information, tools and resources to help parents and carers support the 12–18 year-olds in their family environment. With more than 140 fact sheets, stories, practical tips and tools covering a range of topics, issues and experiences that are relevant to teenagers aged 12–18 years, the service helps parents understand what their teenager is going through and offers strategies to help parents support and connect with their children.
How to use ReachOut Parents in your school
There are a range of ways that you can utilise ReachOut Parents in your school. Find out how by downloading the ReachOut Parents package for schools below and let your school community know that ReachOut Parents is now available:
Newsletter copy deck
There are few face-to-face opportunities to inform parents of the important role that they play in student wellbeing. We’ve developed four terms worth of newsletter copy to engage parents in student wellbeing throughout the school year. Include copy in your school newsletter, social media channels and website.
ReachOut Parents presentation
Share the service with staff by using a pre-made presentation on using ReachOut Parents in schools. The presentation can be adapted for each school to give a deeper understanding on how the service will work within your schools current wellbeing initiative.
An overview of the service that you can circulate to school staff and share with parents at school events, ceremonies or Parent/Teacher interviews.
Next steps
Visit ReachOut Parents.
Email []( Parents inquiry) if you have any questions or feedback.