Support networks

A strong support network during transition to secondary school is vital for young people to feel supported and connected during this challenging time. A support network could include friends, siblings, parents, relatives and even teachers. This lesson helps students to understand the role support networks play in improving their wellbeing.

Year Level



20 minutes


  • In class activity

SEL Competencies

  • Social awareness
  • Relationship skills

Learning Intention

Students will learn about support networks, including what they are, who could be in them, why they are important and how they can help them through challenging times.

Key Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • define support networks
  • identify people in their support network
  • explain the role of a support network
  • identify where to access online forums for extra support.
Activity 01

Class brainstorm: Support networks 10 min

  1. Write ‘Support networks’ on the board.
  2. Ask students: ‘What is a support network’ Add keywords to the board as students answer.
  3. Use these keywords to create a class definition of ‘support network’. Example: people in your life who can offer practical and emotional support.
  4. Once you have a definition, ask the class: ‘Who could be in your support network?’Examples: friends, siblings, parents, relatives, teachers.
  5. Independently, students answer:
    • How can support networks help me?
    • What qualities does someone in a support network need?