Thoughts about 'adulting'

‘Adulting’ is an informal term used to describe the stage in life when a young person becomes more responsible and grown-up in their behaviour and strives to be more independent. It’s an exciting but stressful time.

This video clip considers the experiences of a diverse group of young people who share their thoughts and beliefs on ‘adulting’, the challenges they face, and ways they have approached help-seeking during this significant life change from adolescence to adulthood. It can be helpful to remind your students that there is no one right way to manage these changes.

Year Level



30 minutes


  • In class activity

SEL Competencies

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Responsible decision-making

Learning Intention

Students can identify and manage the changes and challenges that occur when transitioning to adulthood.

Key Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • identify the common changes and challenges young people experience during their transition to adulthood
  • recognise that change and challenge are a normal part of growing up, and explain the similarities and differences in young people’s experiences
  • apply appropriate practical strategies to manage a challenge in their life
  • identify where to seek help during difficult times.

Pros and cons of adulting 15 min

As a group, watch the video clip on 'adulting.'

There are many pros and cons of transitioning to adulthood.

In the video clip, young people share perceived cons of adulting like “There are bills to pay”, “Stress, responsibility, being broke all the time” “Struggling to tread water”.

  1. Ask students to individually identify the pros and cons of becoming an adult (students may use the ideas in the video to help get them started but encourage them to think of new ideas).
  2. Ask students to share their list with a partner. Discuss what the similarities and differences are with their lists.
  3. As a class group, discuss the pros and cons of becoming an adult. Discuss why there are similarities and differences in their lists. Reinforce the message that experiencing change and challenge is a normal part of growing up.