Self-care strategies are a great way to help young people look after themselves, especially during times of change or challenge. While it’s not always easy to get into the habit of self-care, developing a routine can make a big difference to a young person’s wellbeing and help them be more resilient during tough times. In this video clip, young people share how they have used self-care strategies such as taking photos, talking to others, spending time in nature or reading a book as part of caring for themselves.

Year level



15 minutes


In class activity

SEL Competencies



Learning intention

Students are able to identify and apply selfcare strategies to support their wellbeing.

Key outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • identify self-care strategies they are currently using in their life

  • examine other self-care strategies that would be useful in their life

  • identify digital tools and apps they could use to support self-care.

Materials needed

Mapped to

  • This resource is not mapped to a curriculum.

Activity 1

Self-care strategies

10 minutes

As a class group, watch the video clip ‘Self-care’.

  1. Ask the students to trace their hand on a piece of paper and write up to five self-care strategies they are currently using in their life (one strategy for each finger). For ideas, check out:

  2. Ask the students to walk around the room and share their strategies with their classmates.

  3. Students are then to write on a second drawn hand outline, five new self-care strategies they feel they could use. Students can use examples from the video clip, or other students.

  4. As a class group, discuss the following question:

How do we decide which self-care strategy is appropriate for us?

Activity 2

Online apps for self-care

5 minutes

  1. Ask the students to go to the ‘tools and apps’ section at

  2. Using the search mechanism, ask the students to find three tools and apps they could use for self-care. Write these down on their worksheet in the space provided – for example, Smiling Mind.

  3. If time permits, ask the students to download and investigate the three apps and tools.


Self-care strategies are a great way to help young people look after themselves, especially during times of change or challenge. Taking the time to consider the practical strategies they are already using, and being open to new ideas, is a great way to build a self-care habit into their daily lives.

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