Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Over the past couple of years, school communities around Australia have faced significant challenges due to COVID-19, which has often left many school leaders, students and parents feeling overwhelmed, anxious, scared, uncertain and stressed.
While we've come a long way since the pandemic began, it can still impact schools in various ways. That’s why it’s important to help students and members of the school community to feel a sense of control, and to keep developing strategies for maintaining their wellbeing.
ReachOut Schools has developed coronavirus (COVID-19) classroom activities and Wellbeing Fives to be taught in the classroom or remotely. This collection has been put together to help teachers support students and the whole school community to cope with the challenges of COVID-19, now and into the future.
Students have benefited from reading articles in our youth collection ‘Coping during coronavirus’ and joining other young people in our peer support forums. Similarly, parents, carers and community members have found ReachOut Parents articles on topics such as how to talk to your teenager about coronavirus to be helpful.
As you continue to support your students, remember the importance of also tending to your own self-care. You can find tips and ideas on maintaining your wellbeing by accessing our teacher wellbeing collection.
Classroom resources
Designed to be engaging and relevant to your students.
Wellbeing Fives
Energise, refocus and develop wellbeing in your students in 5 minutes.
Resources for parents and carers
Share with parents and carers to support a whole school approach to student wellbeing.
Resources for students
Engaging and reliable content for young people to support their wellbeing.
Resources for school staff
Articles for teacher wellbeing and supporting students.