About ReachOut Schools

ReachOut Schools provides free educational resources, digital tools and practical tips to encourage the development of positive mental health and wellbeing across schools, and extend the impact of existing programs.

The service features easy-to-understand information on a full range of mental health and wellbeing issues. Our school resources include innovative digital apps and online games to help students learn to take control of their mental health.

Staff and parents can use ReachOut to better understand the issues young people face and as a safe place they can recommend and refer students to.

School professionals can also access a range of professional development webinars and information, with resources added throughout the year. Schools professionals can register for updates at ReachOut.com/Schools.

Features of ReachOut Schools include:

Free and accessible: Free and available 24/7, ReachOut Schools’ mobile-first design means schools can access resources where and when they need them.

Co-designed with school professionals: Insights from school professionals across Australia contributed to the design of the program.

Complementing the curriculum: ReachOut Schools extends the impact of your current wellbeing and mental health program, with additional online resources and tools. Our free action packs are mapped to the Australian Curriculum.

Evidence-based support: ReachOut Schools is based on the latest research evidence and has been developed in consultation with experts.

About ReachOut Australia

ReachOut is the most accessed online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia. Our trusted self-help information, peer-support program and referral tools save lives by helping young people be well and stay well. The information we offer parents makes it easier for them to help their teenagers, too.

We’ve been championing wider access to mental health support since we launched our online service more than 20 years ago. Everything we create is based on the latest evidence and is designed with experts, and young people or their parents. This is why our service is trusted, relevant and so easy to use.

Accessed by more than 2 million people in Australia each year, ReachOut is a free service that’s available anytime and pretty much anywhere.