What is ReachOut.com?

Ian Thorpe introduces ReachOut.com and explains how it can support the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Use this video and the information below to help explain ReachOut.com to your colleagues or the young people you work with. Alternatively you can the video with your colleagues.

We get help these days from the internet for everything, from researching travel to ordering takeaway and doing our banking. So, is it possible to go online for our mental health too?

ReachOut.com is available to all young people when and where they need it, but they can’t get help if they don’t know where to find it. Encourage your colleagues to use ReachOut.com with the young people they work with by sharing the video above.

Tell your colleagues about ReachOut.com and help more young people get the support they need. Need some help? We’ve provided a handy list of resources for how ReachOut.com can be used in professional settings to support young people.

Young people go online for help. We make sure it’s there when they need it.

1 in 4 young Australians are experiencing a mental health difficulty. But there’s an even bigger problem: 70% of those who need help don’t get it.

That’s 525,000 people. You probably know one of them. They might feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to about what they’re going through. Maybe they don’t know where to go, or they don’t even realise that they need help. After friends and family, the internet is the first place young people turn to for information and support. That’s where ReachOut.com comes in.

There’s nothing else like ReachOut.com

Our mission is to deliver innovative e-mental health services that enable young people to take control of their mental health and wellbeing.

Everything on ReachOut.com is developed in partnership with young people, making it relevant and engaging. Plus, it’s all based on the latest evidence for promoting mental health, making it trustworthy and effective.

It’s a safe space for young people to learn about what they can do to get through tough times and, for many a chance to help others through their tough times.

How ReachOut.com supports young people

Evidence based content

ReachOut.com content help young people to recognise signs and symptoms of mental health issues, understand mental health concepts, and get guidance on how to seek help or build skills for coping and resilience. The content give young people the information they need to help themselves and their friends. Find out about how you can use the content to support a young person.

Personal stories submitted by young people

Personal stories provide an opportunity for young people to read about other people like them, and understand they are not alone in their experiences. They assist readers to recognise signs and symptoms, and help them to identify achievable strategies and links relevant to their needs. Find out how you can use personal stories with young people.

Self-help apps and tools

ReachOut.com provides an assortment of recommended apps and online tools that young people can use to support their mental health and to help them build wellbeing and resilience.

Apps for young people

Professionally managed online forums

The ReachOut Forums provide a safe space for young people to discuss topics related to their mental health and wellbeing, and to seek guidance on getting appropriate help. They are a professionally moderated peer-support community for young people aged 14-25. In the forums young people can learn about mental health difficulties and wellbeing, connect with others and pick up strategies for improving mental health. Find out how you can use the ReachOut Forums in your work with young people.

Pathways into clinical care and emergency care

ReachOut.com is not a counselling service but it provides direct pathways to national crisis services and treatment services across all areas of the website. These include Lifeline, Kids Helpline, Suicide Call Back Service and eheadspace which all have online text chat as well as phone services available. Other issue-specific services are recommended where appropriate.

Next steps

  • Share the Virtual Tour with a colleague.

  • Learn about the ReachOut Forums.

  • Tell a young person about how they can use ReachOut.com to support their own mental health.