Organisation and time management

Transition to secondary school is a challenging time, with many changes happening for young people. Developing organisational and time management skills with students will assist them to succeed during this time. By understanding the importance of being organised, students will learn strategies for developing organisational skills that will help them to succeed during secondary school.

Year Level



20 minutes


  • In class activity

SEL Competencies

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Responsible decision-making

Learning Intention

Students will learn strategies to help them develop organisational skills for high school.

Key Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • explain why being organised is a key to success
  • identify consequences of not being organised
  • discuss strategies to help them be organised
  • make a plan to help them start secondary school being organised.
Activity 01

Group work: How do I get organised? 10 min

  1. In small groups, provide students with 2 minutes to create a list of things people might do and use to be organised. Examples include: calendars, diaries, apps, packing their bag the night before, writing a shopping list, colour coding.
  2. Using a different colour for each, ask students to:
    • highlight the things on the list they currently do
    • circle the things they would like to try.
  3. Encourage students to discuss their strategies as a group.