Starting a conversation about mental health at your school with batyr

Published 25 January 20241 minute read

Batyr with high school students

We don’t have to tell you how difficult it can be to start a conversation about mental health. Even as adults just the idea of these conversations can be intimidating. We know these thoughts and feelings can be isolating but we also know this doesn’t have to be the case.

Enter: batyr.

In any classroom in Australia there are children suffering in silence, feeling shame and not knowing how to ask for help. batyr hopes to change this, they want to shift the conversation and give a voice to the elephant in the room – mental health.

Research shows that the best approach to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health is through direct contact with peers who have experienced similar struggles.

So, how do they do it?

  • Running carefully researched programs.

  • Training young people with lived experiences with mental ill health to share their stories.

  • Training facilitators to deliver the programs in a fun, safe and engaging way.

  • Delivering innovative programs designed by young people for young people.

The batyr programs aim to bridge the gap between young people and the services available to them, empowering them to reach out for help when needed. At ReachOut we agree that programs like this are essential to helping all young people to be happy and well.

If having a group of engaged, educated and empowered young people appeals to you find out more here.

Or download the batyr@school info pack here.