Random acts of kindness

A random act of kindness is an action designed to spread kindness in the world. It’s the opposite of bullying, because it helps another person feel good instead of bad. It improves a person’s wellbeing, rather than diminishing it.

Year Level



5 minutes


  • In class activity
  • Whole-school and year assemblies

SEL Competencies

  • Responsible decision-making
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship skills

Learning Intention

Students will be able to think of and perform a random act of kindness in their life, or at school.

Key Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • identify random acts of kindness
  • perform random acts of kindness in their life
  • explain how performing random acts of kindness at school can decrease bullying behaviour.


Instructions 5 min

The boost in wellbeing from an act of kindness occurs not only in the giver and the receiver of the kindness, but also in anyone else who witnesses it.

  1. Explain to the students that they are going to think of and write down a random act of kindness they plan to perform for another person. It may be for a classmate, or someone else at or outside of school.
    The act may be as simple as:
    • writing a letter thanking the person for doing something
    • helping someone with a project they are working on
    • paying someone a compliment
    • inviting someone new to the school or neighbourhood to join in an activity
  2. Ask the students to write down what their random act of kindness is, who it is for, when they will complete the act, how they think completing it will make them feel, and what effect they expect it will have on the other person.
  3. Ask the students to share their idea with a partner.

More information for students: