Participating in hobbies and activities can have lots of benefits for students, from giving them some much-needed headspace to enabling them to enjoy a sense of freedom and enhanced wellbeing. Through participation, young people may also feel more connected to their community.

Year level



5 minutes


In class activity

SEL Competencies


Learning intention

Students recognise different ways to look after their wellbeing.

Key outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • identify different ways to enhance their own wellbeing

  • describe why community events are important.

Materials needed

Mapped to

  • This resource is not mapped to a curriculum.

Activity 1


5 minutes

As a group, watch the video clip ‘Why horsing around wins at wellbeing’. In the clip, young people talk about how being with horses makes them feel, the highs and lows of competing, and why they think community events are important.

Ask students:

  • What hobbies do you participate in to enhance your wellbeing?

  • How do these activities make you feel?

  • Do you participate in community events? What are some examples? Why is this important to you?

Students can participate in a group discussion, using these questions as prompts, or write their responses in a journal or discuss their answers in pairs.

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