Drought Relief School Action Pack

Published 25 January 20242 minute read

Young man wearing cap and collared shirt looking away from camera with trees in background

As a school community in a drought-affected area, it’s likely that you’ll be seeing the effects of the drought in a range of ways. Your students might be feeling the pressure of more responsibilities around the home. Families in your community may be experiencing financial hardship due to affected incomes.

How this resource can help

Whatever the impact, we know that resilience skills can help your students cope with the stress more effectively, and better equip them to confront and overcome life’s challenges.

This resource will give you practical tips, strategies and activities that will empower staff and develop students' resilience to help them to bounce back from these challenges that can feel insurmountable.

Schools can strengthen communities

Schools are integral centres of regional towns. With so many people – students, teachers and parents – spending much of their time at school, they’re a unique place where the wider community can come together to support young people’s wellbeing and promote their resilience.

Although you’ll see the varied impact of the drought every day, your staff can lead your community in remaining positive by celebrating small successes and reminding students that ‘this, too, shall pass’.

View and download the resources

  1. Drought relief tools to support school communities: View online | PDF

  2. Drought relief newsletter articles for parents and community: View online | PDF

  3. Resource: ReachOut articles about coping with the drought: Students | Parents | PDF

  4. Activity: ‘How are you going?’ online quiz for students: View online | PDF

  5. Drought relief professional development activity: View online | PDF

  6. Support services for drought-affected communities: Students | Parents | PDF

Download, print and share the entire resource: Drought Relief School Action Pack (PDF).