How to ace a job interview

Students learn about job interviews and practise answering interview-style questions.

Year Level




60 minutes


  • In class activity

SEL Competencies

  • Social awareness
  • Self-awareness

Learning Intention

Students learn about the types of questions they may be asked during a job interview.

Key Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • confidently answer interview-style questions
  • understand the interview process.
activity 01

Tip 1: Dress to impress 15 min

Students access the article How to ace a job interview, which describes five tips for interview success. Work through the following activities to apply each tip.

Tip 1: Dress to impress

  • Using the internet, students use an online shopping site to select an outfit they would wear to an interview. Give the students a budget (say, $50).
  • Students create a visual representation of their outfit. They may include information about the reasons they have selected their outfit.
  • Encourage students to share their selections. Ask them to think about:
    • Is their outfit age appropriate?
    • What sort of shoes should they wear?
    • What sort of accessories would be appropriate (e.g. hats, jewellery, bag)?
    • Why did they choose this outfit?