In the zone

‘Being in the zone’ is a term used to describe when a person is happy or excited because they are doing something that they enjoy, using their skills and talents. Understanding activities that put them ‘in the zone’ is helpful for students' ongoing development and wellbeing.

Year Level



5 minutes


  • In class activity
  • Online learning

SEL Competencies

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management

Learning Intention

Students understand the concept of ‘being in the zone’.

Key Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • define ‘being in the zone’
  • understand situations where they may be ‘in the zone’.
Activity 01

Instructions 5 min

1. Explain to students that athletes and artists often use the term ‘being in the zone’ when they are engaging in their sport or creative activity.

2. In groups, students:

  • Discuss what the term ‘being in the zone’ means.
  • Brainstorm examples of where being in the zone may occur (e.g. hobbies, learning, sport, painting, drawing, writing an assignment).
  • Discuss why being in the zone might occur.

3. As a class, discuss how we can use the concept of ‘being in the zone’ to achieve a goal or complete a task.

Reasons for ‘being in the zone’:

  • You have a strength that can be successfully used in the task.
  • The task requires skills that you have practised well.
  • The task is challenging for you.
  • There are clear goals involved in the task and you know what to do.
  • You can tell how well you are going.
  • You feel in control of the task.
  • Time passes very quickly. Hours go by like minutes because you are so deeply involved.
  • You are concentrating so much, you forget about yourself.