Helping a friend you are concerned about

Students practise having conversations to support friends experiencing mental health difficulties.

Year Level



5 minutes


  • In class activity
  • Online learning

SEL Competencies

  • Self-awareness
  • Social awareness

Learning Intention

Students learn how to ask a friend if they are okay if they have concerns about their mental health.

Key Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • ask a friend if they’re okay
  • know what to do if their friend does or doesn’t want help.
Activity 01

Instructions 5 min

  1. Ask students to read ‘How to ask a friend if they’re ok’.
  2. Discuss as a class what you could do if a friend doesn’t want help. Refer students to the article ‘What to do when someone doesn’t want help’.
  3. Discuss with students the barriers they might experience when trying to help a friend and why sharing their concerns could help their friend.